
Film budgeting is one of the first and most important steps in the development phase of a film project. We’ve created this film budget template for filmmakers in mind that covers production budgeting from:

  • Pre-production

  • Production

  • Post-production

  • Festivals & Distribution

Please note this is merely a guide; there may be additional roles and costs to consider. If you are a smaller, low-budget production, you might not need to hire everyone listed. For example, you might only need a 1st Assistant Director and a 1st Camera Assistant without hiring the respective second assistants. Always consult with department leads to determine if having only one assistant is feasible for your set. Certain ADs and DPs may require both assistants to get the job done properly.

Is this your first film project? Maybe it's your first feature and you have no idea what the average rates for each department are? We’ve got you covered! We’ve created a separate “Line Budget Breakdown for a Low-Budget Feature Film” guide that goes into further detail on typical rates and shares what we paid to make our first feature film on a 50K budget. Please visit our website or to purchase this exclusive guide.

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